Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 Week Milestones

It has been 3 weeks since our lives have changed and we can certainly feel it. Tim and I feel like zombies and we are not as talkative as we usually are. I am sure that Tim is thankful for that :) Connor and Grace went to the doctor yesterday for a check up and they are both doing great. They have each gained over a pound and they are both 20 3/4 inches long. Grace still weighs more than Connor, but he is definelty stronger. Tim placed him on his belly tonight for tummy time so that he could practice holding his head up and next thing we knew he was rolling over. At first we thought he did it on accident, but he did it three times. He cried the entire time, but he did it. We have a future athelete growing. Connor has also lost his umbilical cord, we are still waiting on Grace to lose hers so that they can take real baths.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Birth of Connor and Grace

St. Patty's Day

No drunk fest this St. Patty's day, unless you can get drunk on formula and breast milk. It was a beautiful day, we dressed the babies in their St. Patty's outfits and sat out back to enjoy the weather.

On Our Own

Well the help is gone and Tim and I are officially on our own. At least for a few weeks until the next round of visitors arive. My mom left this afternoon, her parting words for us were "patience, patience, patience!" We will definetly need it with the babies and each other. Tim is now on "duty" every night rather than everyother night, plus he will have to go to work. We are looking forward to learning how to do this on our own, but I must admit we are scared too. Double the fun!! Who says having twins is lucky? We are thankful, but it is a lot of work. Don't let the pictures fool you, they aren't always this relaxed! We took these pictures just after a feeding session. They were content with full bellies :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

They're HERE!

The moment we have been waiting for, the arrival of our beautiful babies! We are very excited to announce that Connor was born at 1:13, weighing 5 lbs, 10 oz and his sister Grace was born at 1:16, weighing 6 lbs, 3oz. We are all home and doing well. So far everything has seemed very sureal, Tim and I can't believe that they are actually here and that we are actually parents. It is fun and scary at the same time.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

38 Weeks, Last Belly Picture

Due to popular demand, we have one last belly picture. I don't realize how much it grows until I see it in a picture. I am very thankful that the babies are coming in two days, I don't know if I can handle my skin stretching any further. It feels so bruised right now. I know that after the c-section it will feel much worse, but I am ready. Wish us luck and a healthy delivery!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Nursery Tour

We can't believe this is our last sunday as a couple. Next sunday we will be a family. Anyways, we think everything is ready. The car seats are loaded, clothes are washed and the nursery is ready. I attached a short video tour of the babies room for all who would like to see. We are going to place some frames above their beds with their pictures and footprints, but of course we will have to wait until they are here to do that. We are going to take one last belly picture on tuesday where I will be 38 weeks. Stay tuned for the big ol' belly!