Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Bumbo Chair

We introduced the bumbo chair today! Grace loved it and Connor was not so sure. It could have something to do with the fact that he stayed up until 1:00 a.m. again!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Diaper Champ

For anyone with babies on the way or who has babies and needs a great way to dispose of diapers, I recommend the Diaper Champ over the Diaper Genie any day. You simply toss the used diaper into the hole at the top and then flip it, the diaper falls down into an air tight receptacle containing a kitchen trash bag. It is much easier than dealing with the diaper sausages that come out of the diaper genie. Only recently have a found a flaw in its design, and I am pretty sure it has to do with the user and not the piece of equipment. Recently the flipper has been getting stuck and I have struggled to get it to flip and when it does I have noticed streaks of poop in the diaper "catcher." At first I was getting frustrated with the diaper champ and then I discovered the real problem... Tim is terrified of getting poop on him and in an effort to dispose of poopy diapers as quickly as possible he is not correctly wrapping the diaper into the tight little poop containing package, he doesn't even want to touch the thing, so he quickly tosses and flips the diaper. Meanwhile the diaper is getting stuck in the shoot and smearing poop along the sides and I have to come along and clean the thing up. I threatened that he will change diapers in the future if this practice continues. Needless to say, Tim is not a Diaper Champ!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Aunt Marcy and Courtney Visit

Our last round of visitors have come and gone. Aunt Marcy and Aunt Courtney flew in for a long weekend to see Connor and Grace. I don't think I changed a diaper the entire time they were here. Marcy is already a pro at changing diapers and Courtney was getting lots of practice for her upcoming arrival of Parker in August. Grace gave her a big scare when she had explosive poop in her diaper. Courtney jumped so high she almost dropped her, it was funny. Speaking of poop, (like always) Connor made all of us laugh when he pooped and peed in Daddy's truck while we were changing him. He made mommy laugh so hard she almost peed in Daddy's truck too. The smell should be great this summer!

Along with all of the help and laughs, Aunt Marcy informed us that there are other types of pacifiers in this world. In previous posts, you will recall the trouble we have had getting Connor to sleep, a lot had to do with the fact that he could not keep a pacifier in his mouth to save his life. He reminded us of Maggie Simpson the way he handled that thing except that after about 3-5 sucks it would come flying out of his mouth. Tim and I would take turns at night holding it in his mouth. I recall holding it in there for over an hour one night before handing the reigns over to Tim. When Marcy arrived and witnessed his pacifier problems she asked if we had tried a different shaped pacifier. I was shocked and excited to find out that there were different types of pacifiers out there. We rushed to Target and bought him a new pacifier and life has been good since. Thank you Aunt Marcy, we will be forever grateful for the amount of sleep you have given back to us.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Easter Visitors

The babies had their first Easter and they looked adorable in their little outfits, I can't say the same for the Easter bunny however. They didn't seem to mind though as Grace gazed at his big furry cheeks and Connor slept in his arms. Tim's dad "Grandpa" was in town, he acommpanied us to the country club to see Daddy and the Easter bunny on Easter sunday. He was our photographer for the event.

Granpa came in to visit over his spring break. He was a big help when he wasn't at the Harely dealership :)!! He helped me feed the babies, get them dressed in their Easter outfits, took pictures and rode the Harley to the grocery store when needed. Somehow he managed to escape the diaper changes. I don't blame him, I am sure he did his fair share back in the day. We had lots of fun!

We also had a huge surprise visit from Uncle Joe. He flew in friday morning with his Kroger bag and was standing in the kitchen when we got up that day. I got to be in on the secret, but Tim was shocked. He was thrilled to have his brother visit and see the babies. Uncle Joe bought the babies a swing which Connor and Mom and Dad love. Grace has not taken a liking to it yet, but we are thrilled that it helps put Connor to sleep.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oh... the things we do for our kids!

The last two days have found Tim and I doing and not doing some rather unusual things. Yesterday, Connor decided to stay up ALL day, we knew he was going to need a nap before he had a major breakdown which in turn would cause Tim and I to have a breakdown. So in the hopes that he would fall asleep, we took a car adventure across town for dinner. We decided that we would drive until he fell asleep even if it meant we would go through a drive-through for dinner before heading back in time for the next feeding. Luckily, the car did the trick and we enjoyed a nice but quick dinner at an actual restaurant.

Tonight, you will find us sitting/laying on the floor in order not to disturb the little beast that has finally fallen alseep on the couch. How could such a little man take up the entire couch? Oh, the things we do for our kids!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Twin - Bad Twin

Our patience is being tested this week! We have a good twin and a bad twin. Grace our little angel sleeps when she is supposed to and only gets fussy when she has to fart, on the other hand our little "devil" is trying our every nerve. Is it possible for a baby to loose his voice before he has even starting talking? He has decided that he is only happy in the arms of mom, dad or any other individual that will hold him. I thought babies were supposed to sleep a lot, I thought wrong, not All babies sleep alot. I might be finished taking advice from the baby books, they are giving me false expectations.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

One month updates and visit from aunts and uncles!

The babies have passed the one month mark and we are still alive and somewhat functioning. They turn five weeks tomorrow and are already growing so fast. Connor now weighs 8lb 3oz and Grace is 8lb 10 oz. He is gaining on herfast. They each got a shot at the doctor today, I swear the needle was as long as their thighs were thick. The poor things had no idea what was coming until they felt that big old needle in their legs.

They just had a visit from their Aunts Heather and Carrie and Uncles Ben and Tim. It was great to have a break from changing diapers and feeding both babies at the same time. They were all impressed at the amount of poop two little babies could produce. I kindly reminded them that they are "Kotulas."