Friday, June 26, 2009


Connor was shocked by the sound that came from his diaper!

He is getting to be such a big boy, today he rolled over from his back to his belly. If you recall from earlier posts he rolled from belly to back at 3 weeks of age.

First Play Date

Clair came over yesterday to play with Connor and Grace! They had fun watching her crawl around and play.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Crazy Hair!

Our kids have the craziest hair! Connor's is always crazy, but today Grace had an especially "cool" do. I took the babies on a stroller workout today with a group of other women and Grace got really sweaty, I ran my fingers through her hair and when it dried, she had a fun new do!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Grace talking with her mouth full!

Connor talking!

First Time Swimming

We took the babies swimming for the first time last week. They weren't sure about the water at first, but once they got used to it, they liked it. Connor has already figured out how to float. They both looked cute in their bathing suits. Thanks for sending the bikini grandma!